Put my "badge" on your own blog! Just save the "Grab my Badge" button above to your computer, add a picture element to your layout, put this picture in it, type in STARSHINELOL. BLOGSPOT.COM for the link, and there you have it!! Email me with any questions. :)
Why I love that my Mom is in Mary Kay! by Clarissa Cook I love my mom because she is always there for me! The reason I like her being in Mary Kay is she is home a lot. Another reason is she helps with cooking, helping with homework, reads with me and so much more. Like I said, she is always there for me.
Hi Superstars! I have read this message so many times and it has pertained to so many stages of my life/business: full time college student/working part-time and internships, 7 moves, 3 bed-rest pregnancies, severe depression, and homeschooling and nearly losing my husband. FLEXIBILITY gives you options for WHEN you work NOT IF you work!
When we talk about time management choices, my thoughts are when you say Yes to everything else you are saying NO to your Mary Kay business. When you want Mary Kay to pay as a business, you must work it like a business and not as an after thought with leftover time.
Please Read the Powerful Message below from NSD Pamela Shaw This Message Is Powerful For Mary Kay and LIFE in general, also timely for the end of year and beginning of a new year....Be Blessed!!!
Flexible doesn't mean INSTEAD OF. It means you choose the time. But you MUST choose the time AND do the work! Otherwise, you define flexible and procrastinate as the same. Or flexible and denial the same! The 'God, Family, Career' flag has been pulled by many a former consultant and director who really just didn't want to discipline herself to schedule herself, work with a 6 most priority to do list daily and make some advance preparation decisions to make changes that produce results, to create new habits and schedule herself to position herself to receive SUCCESS and promotion and abundance.
Many want the rewards; few take the responsibility.
Many want the friendships and support; few give the positive energy to attract it.
Many want Success; few take the direction and guidance to receive it. (Unit meeting weekly with guests, Star Consultant order monthly, Power Start ALWAYS on the date book, clear goals and goal poster, education tapes playing always, holding themselves in accountability via Weekly Accomplishment sheets!)
Many want success but make up their own rules and disqualify themselves from the prize. Can you imagine saying you wanted to become a nurse (Gloria's guest event analogy) and just because you wanted to be a nurse ever since you were a little girl walking into a hospital one day and expecting to BE a nurse just because you WANT to be and because nurses work in hospitals! LOL! OR even going to Nursing School and telling your professors how you wanted to LEARN the skills. Forget the program and curriculum! You expect your professors to come to you when you feel like doing something vs. You going to class at a set time. Or you Skip the lab because of the extra time required. Or when you miss class and your professor doesn't call and coddle you-you get an attitude. Well, I guess they just don't care about me; I'm not getting the support I need! "God first, Family second, Career third!"
WHO are we kidding! Success isn't for the CHOSEN FEW. It is for the FEW WHO CHOOSE.
I think back to 1986 and 87 when I worked to become a Sales Director while simultaneously teaching and coaching 80-90 hours a week. What I sacrificed (not compromised) to earn my Directorship, Career Cars. [social and sleep] I think of the years when Thomas was young, a nursing baby, a toddler, pre-school (he graduated 6th grade this week L)-and how very challenging it was to DISCIPLINE myself to schedule tightly so I could LIVE the values Mary Kay offers. BUT it didn't come to me. I WENT TO IT! I went to the Lord for wisdom, to my Director and NSD for practical Skill advice, to meetings and workshops (God gives EVERY Biblical Leader a mentor AND accountability) and then regardless of feeling or mood or fear, or insecurity or lack --I worked! OH how I wish you could read this and TAKE it into your heart and soul. WHAT if I hadn't done this? Jerry would have died anyway. And what would my options be today? As a single, grieving parent.
Do you have any idea how many people have asked me "Are you staying in the house?" LOL! The real question they're asking is "can you afford the house now that your husband is gone?" What would your answer be? Gratefully, my answer is 'of course we are staying in the house'. Gratefully, 21 devoted years to my MK business preceded this day. Gratefully, I wasn't 'waiting for an easier time' to get disciplined. When would that have been?
Single and dating
Newly married
Pregnant - nursing
Pre-school toddler
After we moved to KY
When Jerry got sick
After he is in heaven
WHEN? Please Please hear the plea of my heart. And GO TO WORK! 20-20 TODAY! 20 shows and 20 interviews) You can schedule it for THREE DAYS with many time slots and multiple hostesses in the slot.
Are you Really Consistently Working? In Power Start or Perfect Start mode? Taken the 20-20 challenge for May/June and the 10-20 challenge for the other-20 Classes + 20 Interviews and 10 Classes + 20 Interviews-or are you HOBBYING it and hoping for more?
Are you AT Your Unit MEETING?
IS the way you work your business an attraction to others? Consistency? Profitability? Enthusiasm? What you say? What you do? Or are you on/off depending on the day.
I love you. I'm praying for your victory! Thank you for your goals and commitments both DIRECTORS and CONSULTANTS!
"...Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do." Col. 3:23
Will YOU be part of Mary Kay's goal to hold 5 Million Parties?
Congratulations to the following "Party Girls" who have held parties in August! Totals updated weekly!
Terry Kaufman 5 Dena Mason 2 Alice Ludwig 2
Don't forget to enter your weekly accomplishments online and me sure to e-mail me your hostesses names so they have a chance to win $100 in FREE Mary Kay product!
Miss Go-Give Monthly Award Winner
August Winner - awaiting final nominations July Winner - Dena Mason
"Dena is always upbeat & positive. I love being around her"
"Dena was so encouraging and I used some of the tips she gave me and sold my first roll-up bag." Thank you Dena for being our fabulous Miss Go-Give for July!
Please e-mail nominations (no later than the 5th of the month) for our Monthly Unit Miss Go-Give to sarahcookmk@hotmail.com