Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dr Mark Barlow - Plastic Surgeon Recommends MK

Many of you have heard about the plastic surgeon that came and spoke to my directors at Leadership Conference. His name is Dr. Mark Barlow. I have known Dr. Barlow for years. He is one of the finest men I have ever met and I feel very blessed to have him as a friend and advocate for our products. We could never adequately thank Mark and Eileen Barlow for their support of Mary Kay. Attached is Dr. Mark Barlow's amazing letter. When someone of Mark's credibility and reputation endorses our products, it is MORE THAN POWERFUL in the marketplace.

Proud NSD, Cindy Williams

PS You can visit Dr. Barlow's website at www.drmarkbarlow.com

He is a Harvard graduate, former scientist with NASA, and has

artificially reproduced the dermis (a layer of skin). He is now a world renowned plastic surgeon and his wife is a Mary Kay Sales Director. When he first discovered Mary Kay products, he told his wife "she had better become a Consultant or find someone as wonderful as she so he could refer his patients to her".

Dr. Barlow's View:

Mary Kay is the BEST in skin care bar none!!!

His findings were:

1. comprehensive anti-aging skin care regimen program on the market for


2. comprehensive anti-aging skin care program on the market for women

3. evidence based medical research on skin care using random people versus

science & using test panels

4. TimeWise Moisturizer with different moisturizers and different amino acids (Vitamin E, antioxidents, etc)


TimeWise 3-in-1 CleanserMicro-Dermabrasion (use at least 1x per week and can be used daily if oily)

Day Solution

Even Complexion Essence - also use on throat, chest and hands

Eye Revitalizer (optional)

Eye Firming Cream - also use on throat and hands

TimeWise Moisturizer


Same except, Night Solution in place of Day Solution

Use either Intense Moisturizer or Oil Free Hydrating Gel after TimeWise Moisturizer